There are many ways you can reduce the clutter in your life that go beyond closets, cabinets, and drawers. Candles, perfumes, soaps, lotions, even the subtle yet comforting smells of our homes without anything added; it is easy to become overwhelmed with smells and not even realize it.
The anticipation of a much needed vacation makes the preparation more exciting. Consider these helpful tips for making the end of your vacation more organized and not so overwhelming.
An on-the-go office is the answer to everything from trying to work while laundry is calling, or tasks are put on hold to sit in the car at soccer practice. A little preparation and planning can be the key to getting it all done and having your sanity in place.
Working from home can be both a blessing and a curse. You are able to hang out in your pajamas while handling most work duties on the phone or email, but how do you focus on your reports and sales calls when there is a pile of laundry sitting nearby silently nagging to be folded?