when you have a place for everything in your home and everything is in
its place, you still might feel like your home (or part of it) continues
to appear cluttered. The article “Measuring visual clutter” in the
Journal of Vision explains how this is possible and ways you can reduce
visual clutter in your already tidy spaces.
day we are inundated with more information than we can possibly
process. According to the New York Times, the average person is exposed
to more than 100,000 words a day – that’s 175 newspapers worth of
information, or to put it in a slightly more frightening context, the
equivalent of covering the Continental U.S. and Alaska in a 7-foot high
stack of Twilight novels. Taking notes is the only possible way we can retain even a fraction of what we are exposed to on a daily basis.
most exhausting situations are temporary and will pass in due time. In
the meantime, there are steps worth taking to keep things from spinning
out of control.
many people getting organized is something they desperately want but
simply do not know how to begin. Getting started is, by far, the most
difficult part so here are some ideas to pull the trigger.