Released in Theaters: Dec. SYNOPSIS: The dwarves, along with Bilbo Baggins and Gandalf the Grey, continue their quest to reclaim their homeland, Erebor, from Smaug. Meanwhile, Bilbo retains possession of that mysterious and magical ring.
Rated PG-13 for sexual references, crude humor and language. In theaters 12/13. Ok for kids 13+.
Released in Theaters: Dec. Cast: Tom Hanks, Emma Thompson, Annie Rose Buckley, Colin Farrell, Ruth Wilson, Paul Giamatti, Bradley Whitford, B.J. Official Site: Saving Mr.
Released in Theaters: Dec. SYNOPSIS: Based on a 1999 BBC series, this family movie follows a young dinosaur as he grows up and takes his place as the leader of the herd. Sex/Nudity: A young male dinosaur instantly falls in love with a female dinosaur, as a Barry White song plays in the background.
Not yet rated; likely PG-13. In theaters 12/25. Ok for kids 12+.