The story follows Larry Daley (Ben Stiller), who's still working at New York's Museum of Natural History. When things go horribly wrong at a big fundraising event
Together with her inexperienced but plucky young lawyer, Randy Schoenberg (Ryan Reynolds), their journey takes them to the heart of the Austrian establishment and the U.S. Supreme Court, forcing her to confront difficult truths about the past.
Horses, romance and Nicholas Sparks. What could be better? If you love Nicholas Sparks, that is. It took me a long time to really get my head around the Nicholas Sparks brand -- you know, stories full of romance, drama, heartbreak, couples struggling to stay together as outside forces threaten to break them apart...
Set in Iran, this powerful and unbelievable true story follows the brave ambition of Afshin Ghaffarian (Reece Ritchie). During the volatile climate of the 2009 presidential election, where many cultural freedoms were threatened