Why Bother?: The Real Benefits of Being Organized
By Jennifer Snyder
Whatever your motivation may be to become more organized, it is well documented that individuals who consider themselves to be organized have a better life on many accounts. Here, let me show you:
Less frustration. How many frustrations in your day could be eliminated if the clutter was gone? You could find your keys, the kids would always have two of the same shoe when it's time to leave, etc. It is often aggravating to look for something and be unable to find it, which can lead to arguments and bad days in general. Instead of less frustration, what if I said Fewer Bad Days? The bottom line is this: Having organized systems in place helps to free you from the daily frustrations that impact your day and life. Preventing you from losing your mind is a bonus.
More money. If we were to completely disregard the idea that you may find savings bonds, hidden money, and forgotten checks that were never deposited, knowing where your stuff is can save you tons of money. (It takes 363,000 pennies to equal a ton.) You will save the most money by avoiding late fees and replacing misplaced items. It may not seem like much, but replacing a $10 bottle of sunscreen weekly can add up to $120 from May to August alone. Shoes, sunglasses and keys can be very costly to replace.
Increased health. When we live in a constant state of panic and stress, our bodies are perpetually in a state of fight or flight. When living like this for prolonged periods, we can almost become addicted to the adrenaline and actually need it to get anything done. This elevated sense of alertness can cause headaches, weight gain, trouble sleeping, high blood pressure, and even increased susceptibility to infections.
More time. Busy is not productive. When you are able to do more in less time, you become more efficient. Increased efficiency creates more leisure time, not more time to do more work. Downtime is productive in it's own right. It refuels your reserves to be who you are and do the things you do.
Set an example. Whether you are trying to motivate, your spouse, kids, boss or employees, by buckling down and doing the work yourself, you will become an inspiration to those around you. Be a good role model and the change will come, in it's own time, but it will come.
Less housework. Enough said. This is all the reward you need.
Happy organizing and have a Neat day!
Jennifer Snyder, Certified Professional Organizer
Neat as a Pin Organizing Experts
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