While friends and family pour their love and affection over the new baby you've brought home from the hospital, your older child is wondering what's so great about the sleeping stranger who doesn't say much.Even though bringing home a new bundle of joy is labor intensive and time consuming, it's…
Finding a place in your busy schedule to spend quality one-on-one time with your children can be difficult. Bonding with you is not only an important part of their development, but it is important to making lasting memories.These don't have to be carefully-executed dates with your kids. They just…
"She hit me!" "He's bothering me!" Scream. Bicker. Scream.
With busy schedules, homework, and a host of other responsibilities and obligations, it might seem impossible to trust your child to do a quick and efficient job when it comes to chores. But research shows that children who contribute to the household are actually happier, according to…
The opposing team is kicking the ball straight toward my four-year-old daughter who has been talking about this moment for weeks. But as the ball gets within a foot of my pint-sized soccer player, she just stands there, watching the other team kick it past her.I shake my head and watch as she jogs…
Your little one is finally asleep after reading Goodnight Moon for the fifth time, and singing "Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star" in all of the three bears' voices. You attempt to back out of their darkened bedroom without waking your adorable sleeping monster, and then it happens. You lose your…
After the candles have been blown out, the streamers taken down and the elaborate, Pinterest-worthy cake table disassembled, there's just one thing left to do—find room for all of the toys your children have amassed from their birthday blowout.We live in a world of surplus, and kids' parties are no…
While we try to shield our children from the pain and suffering that happens outside of their world, instant communication and the presence of the media in the home has made keeping disturbing news more difficult. But, when children do see something sad or confusing, it helps open the door to talk…
Information on getting organized for back to school is everywhere from television commercials to sale ads in the newspapers – and even billboards. But there is an entire population of students and educators who are not included in all of this hoopla: home-schoolers. Educating children at home is a…
Backtalk. Backchat. Mouthiness. Whatever you call it, it's one of the negative aspects of parenting a budding adolescent. They are beginning to assert their independence, much like they did when they were two or three and refused to eat anything, or threw themselves on the floor of the grocery…