Eliminate Cord Spaghetti - How To Organize Electronic Accessories
By Jennifer Snyder
In our electronic age, it is very difficult to avoid the big bundle of cord spaghetti - you know, that place where all of your cords end up. The very best thing you can do is move forward with a clear system in place to prevent adding to the chaos with new tech devices. Only then can you go back and try to make sense of the mess of old.
King or Queen of the Cords – this is a great job for a techie teen. This person is in charge of ensuring the rest of the family adheres to the tech management system outlined here. Respect their position and be willing to be accountable to them when you step out of line – with your tech devices.
Tag the Tech – place tags on both the device and the accessories, not just the cord. Tech id tags are available (
amazon.com) or you can use a label maker or even washi tape (my personal favorite). If using colored tape or labels, you can even color-code by family member.
Bag the Tech – if a device has been updated and the owner is reluctant to get rid of it, or if something simply isn't used very often, use a zip bag. Place the device and all the accessories into one plastic zipper bag with a label on the outside. Establish a box with a lid where these items can live. Remember the King or Queen is in charge of this box.
Other ideas for tech storage are a footlocker, a vintage gym locker, or clear storage containers. I would advise not using a built-in drawer for your old tech storage. It is very easy to forget what – if anything – is in there, and end up consuming valuable real estate that could be used for something more useful in your life.
Dump the Duds - If a device is not being used or would completely embarrass a teen if used in public (think: flip phone), it is not necessary to keep. I see a lot of cordless home phone systems sitting around homes that will never be used again. Donate what you can and let this be part of the job for the King or Queen. You can find a donation directory at
Now, for that cord spaghetti in your laundry room…take them one at a time to try and find mates, or throw the whole thing out and only replace what is truly necessary.
Have a Neat day!
Jennifer Snyder, Certified Professional Organizer
Neat as a Pin Organizing Exerts
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